Posture of the month / April: Standing bow pulling pose

What better way to start the “Posture of the month” than with a lovely Easter Rabbitt! This little guy is kicking some b..t and he´s still smiling!

So, what is important in order to do Standing bow pulling pose?

As usual, the set up. Grab the ankle with all 5 fingers, arm up, chin close to the shoulder, knees together to start, lock the standing knee.

Inhale breathing, stretch up again, charge your body forward, go touch the mirror with the fingertips. Continuously kick your leg back and up so the right foot is coming up over your head in the front mirror. Slowly bring your body down from the lower spine. Not too fast, lead with your chest. Keep your hip down, knee invisible behind your body. Touch your shoulder to your chin (not the other way around!). Kick back more, so the right shoulder is behind your left shoulder invisible in the front mirror, in one line.  Keep your arm up, aim in between your eyebrows with your fingertips. Lock the standing knee. Always look forward, if you look down, you will fall down. Touch the mirror and kick back more. Kicking and stretching is equal and simultaneous: 50/50. Kick up more until both feet are in one line from the side.  Eventually, you will be standing in a standing split.

Always exit the posture the same way you went into it. Don´t be afraid to lose the balance. If you kick hard enough, you will not lose the balance, even if you bring your body down.

The benefits:

The blood is being shifted from one side of your body to the other. When you release the posture, the blood rushes back and takes away all the toxins, brings nutrients and oxygen to the deep cell tissue.  This is a natural irrigation of the circulatory system with the help of the respiratory system.

The hip joints benefit. The cervical spine as well, building the muscles to hold it. Balance, strength and flexibility are being trained. Also your will power and determination, your concentration.

If you fall out, you did well. It means you go as deep into the posture as you can! But: get right back into it! It is the longest posture. Use it to flush the organs and glands and to strengthen your deep muscles.

2 comments on “Posture of the month / April: Standing bow pulling pose

  1. Britta Gundermann says:

    The most complicated part in this Pose is the “ears up”!!!
    It´s soooo hard to do that 😉

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